Bollywood choreographer Ganesh Acharya has landed into trouble. He is being accused of sexual harassment, stalking and voyeurism of a dancer. Mumbai Police has now filed a charge sheet against Ganesh Acharya in a Mumbai magistrate court.
In January 2020, Ganesh Acharya was accused of sexual harassment by one of his assistants. The woman said that she was exploited by the choreographer for not fulfilling Ganesh’s sexual demands. The woman had also said that Ganesh forced her and showed her a pornography film. Not only this, the woman said that her membership with the Indian Film and Television Choreographers Association (IFTCA) was also cancelled. At that time Ganesh Acharya was the General Secretary of the Indian Film and Television Choreographers Association (IFTCA).
The police officer said the charge sheet was filed recently in the court of the metropolitan magistrate at Andheri.
The victim in her complaint to the police stated that she was sexually harassed by Acharya after she spurned his advances. The complainant also accused the choreographer of sending her lewd messages, showing her porn movie and molestation.
According to reports, as per the charge sheet, Ganesh Acharya and his assistant have been charged under sections 354-a (sexual harassment), 354-c (voyeurism), 354-d (stalking), 509 (insulting the modesty of any woman), 323 (causing hurt), 504 (intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace), 506 (criminal intimidation) and 34 (common intention to commit an offence) of the Indian Penal Code.
This is not the first time that Ganesh Acharya has faced harassment charges. Tanushree Dutta had lashed out at the choreographer for spreading “malicious rumours” about her and ruining her reputation. Along with Nana Patekar, Tanushree had filed a complaint against Ganesh Acharya as well. He was the choreographer for the 2008 film Horn OK, please.